So, Blue Mountain is officially out of business. I hate to see them go, but the writing was on the wall. But, I’m firmly on the GRT path. This weekend we had a EAA meeting, so that sort of boogered up working on the plane, but I did finish wiring up the GRT and powered it for the first time. All that’s left is the OAT probe, and to start doing the configuration. Here you can see the USB connectors to the right of screens for updating the GRTs, and the new backup EFIS power switch above them. The backup power is fully redundant for the EIS, both screens and AHRS, and GPS (the only thing not supported is the weather unit).

GRT powered up

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Monday July 13th, 2009 at 5:54 PM

Categories: Avionics GRT Hx EFIS
Tags: Avionics Building GRT Horizon HX

3 responses to “GRT First Power Up”

  1. Document says:

    […] Long weekend over, and a good deal of work completed. So, what did we get done? Well, the fit and finish on the doors is 98% done, as well as the strakes, and they’re looking pretty sweet if I do say my self! I’ve removed the speed brake and started filling the weave on the underside of the fuselage and the top of the brake for paint, the nose oil cooler discharge that I removed early on is being rebuilt (apparently that’s important for proper flow…), and the wheel pants are being finalized. Still some cowling work to be done, and we’re about 1/2 through the new EFIS installation. My old electrical plan had the back-up flight system on a separate (non-switched) breaker, and that doesn’t really make sense with the new arrangement (since it’s a dual AHRS, 3-screen GRT system). Firstly, they all want to be switched, and secondly it doesn’t make a lot of sense to only power 1 AHRS and screen from the “backup” breaker, and if you did, which screen to power? Also, the GRT has diode-isolated support for multiple incoming power feeds. Look for a new “backup-EFIS” switch on the panel above the ELT switch to power the entire EFIS suite (and my RAIM GPS shipped today!). Panel and filler. […]

  2. Document says:

    […] the cowling almost done, the pilot wheel pant is almost ready to go, and I finished wiring up the GRT and powered it for the first time. All that’s left is the OAT probe, and to start doing the […]

  3. Document says:

    […] then as well. We’ll see. To that end, I’ve programmed my GRT EIS, and have gotten both AHRS and screens up and functioning, and will be working on the weather unit and engine instrument calibration next. […]

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