Flow Balance Testing of Fuel Injectors

Flow Balance Testing of Fuel Injectors

Here is something else we ran into. After having trouble building RPM and having a very rough running engine that seemed to want to run very lean, and ran relatively well at idle, but not at WOT. We tested the fuel flow from the injectors and found the below. Very uneven flow. After removing the […]

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Engine Fuel and Oil Connections

Engine Fuel and Oil Connections

Now we’ve got to finish up the rest of the connections to the motor. I opted to buy pre-fabricated fuel and oil lines from my engine shop rather than do the factory ‘roll-your-own’ solution, well, because Gene recommended it and gave me a good deal. Fuel Pump Outlet to…. Fuel Servo Inlet Side Fuel Schematic […]

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Mounting the Fuel Servo

Mounting the Fuel Servo

The fuel servo installation has been fun. I ended up doing a fair amount of research, and even bought “Aircraft Fuel Metering Systems” from Aircraft Technical Books to make sure I knew what was going on here. Here’s a nice drawing I found. From the schematic you can see that the manual mixture control arm is nearest […]

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Fuel Plumbing

Fuel Plumbing

Coming out of the sump is a fuel shutoff valve, ours is controlled remotely from a T-handled lever glassed into a pocket on the keel and then exits the firewall through a bulkhead fitting. On the firewall, the fuel tubing goes to a cleanable strainer, the electric boost pump, and then to a Floscan fuel […]

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Creating a Fuel Servo Flange

Creating a Fuel Servo Flange

We have to make a mating flange for the fuel servo, where the fuel is mixed with induction air. Here I’ve taken a piece of scrap aluminum with a paint cap glue to it, and then waxed and covered with a mess of BID. Once cured, just pop it all apart and trim. Fuel Servo […]

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Firewall Mounted Oil Cooler

Firewall Mounted Oil Cooler

The rear mounted oil cooler comes as a kit from the factory. After some playing around with the three pieces and looking at the pictures on the factory website, it becomes apparent how this goes together. Basically you drill a 4″ diameter hole in the cover-plate and install a ducting flange with pop rivets, then […]

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