Getting ready for 2016 flying season

We’ve had a low start to the 2016 season, but we’re getting rolling now. I’d meant to do my annual condition inspection last fall, but had held off thinking we might send our MT prop back go Germany for overhaul, which I ended up not doing. This year’s edition included changing the batteries in our 406 ELT, […]

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We lose Carlos

We lose Carlos

We got the sad news today that our canard-loving friend Carlos had finally lost his on-again off-again battle with cancer. Some day I hope none of will have to count the loved ones we’ve lost to cancer, but not today. Carlos was such a sweet, honest, and good-natured man with a deep desire to help […]

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Dave Bertram, friend, test pilot, and Velocity builder/owner interviewed on 700 WLW

Dave Bertram, friend, test pilot, and Velocity builder/owner interviewed on 700 WLW

We’re blessed to know and to call friends many interesting and extraordinary people, a good many that we’ve met through building and flying our Velocity. Dave Bertram is but one example. So, when I heard last week that Mike McConnell was opining on how flying the Hurricane Hunter airplane would not be on the top […]

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2015 Rough River Canard Fly-in

2015 Rough River Canard Fly-in

UPDATE 1: I’m posting the video now. I’ll probably time-compress the middle later, but I’m out of time for tonight. The cameras started crapping out at the end, and the voice gets slightly out of sync, but it’s basically all there. The ‘action’ starts at about 53 minutes. Well, another Central States Association Rough River Canard Fly-in is […]

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N44VF has a twitter ID

I just created Twitter handle for the airplane. My thinking is that when we’re getting ready to head somewhere I’ll tweet it in case folks want to know when we’re out and about, headed to a fly-in, etc. Maybe it’ll be a cool idea, maybe it won’t, we’ll see. If you want to be ‘in […]

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Weekend flying cut short

Weekend flying cut short

Well, I posted a little video this evening, but there’s not much to see, sadly. I’d planned to do a bit of flying on Sunday, but even though they were reporting 12,000′ ceilings but when I launched there was a building layer at 3,000′, and as I got close to my first touch-and-go airport I […]

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