We’ve had a low start to the 2016 season, but we’re getting rolling now. I’d meant to do my annual condition inspection last fall, but had held off thinking we might send our MT prop back go Germany for overhaul, which I ended up not doing. This year’s edition included changing the batteries in our 406 ELT, which is a little exciting because it alarms when the new batteries go in. Fun. Luckily with the antenna detached, nobody called us, but I did it at the top of the hour anyway just in case. I’d also been fighting a brake problem over the winter, I had a minor leak on the copilot gear line, and had been struggling to bleed it during the occasional warm weather. You can check that out on the maintenance page, but long story short, the Fox should now be ready to fly.
Posted By: Brett FerrellMonday April 25th, 2016 at 10:33 PM