Well, I posted a little video this evening, but there’s not much to see, sadly. I’d planned to do a bit of flying on Sunday, but even though they were reporting 12,000′ ceilings but when I launched there was a building layer at 3,000′, and as I got close to my first touch-and-go airport I noticed there were storms building all around me. None of them were large or strong at the time, but I thought it was a better plan to just head back home. I did get a chance to check the fixes I made for the copilot rudder ~ it was catching a bit on some paint at the lower edge and occasionally not closing completely when warm ~ and the oil temperature sensor ~ which had been intermittently dropping out, so I replaced it’s connectors, as well as a minor change to my APRS transmitter. So, I did at least get a chance to check these repairs were are satisfactory, if it doesn’t make a great video.
Posted By: Brett FerrellSunday August 30th, 2015 at 8:57 PM