Our prop should have shipped last week, and although I don’t have the shipping confirmation Kevin at American Propeller tells me that our custom paint (blue spinner and blue and yellow striped prop, check out the previous attempt on the ACI here) looks really sharp. We can’t wait to get it, and have told our maintenance shop at the airport to be expecting it.

In other news, I’ve decided to do a calendar of just Velocity pictures. There has been a similar effort on the Canard Aviation forum this year of wallpaper/computer desktop versions. I’m going to do that as well (in 3 sizes, 1920×1200-the biggest resolution I run, 1920×1090-what most current wide screen monitors run, and 1280×1024-the old workhorse standard size), but I’m going to get some printed, probably by Zazzle. This is a non-profit operation, just to give something back to the Velocity community. Check out the pictures in this album. Below is a picture of what the evetual print calendar will look like.


Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Saturday December 3rd, 2011 at 7:56 PM

Categories: Blog
Tags: Blog

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