Here you can see that I’ve drilled a hole for the EIS Outside Air Temperature probe, and the fuselage was too thick for the nut to hold it on. I removed the inner skin and foam, shaped it, and laid 4 BID in the recess. After curing, I drilled the hole back out and installed the probe.

OAT Probe

OAT Probe

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Wednesday July 15th, 2009 at 5:51 PM

Categories: Avionics GRT Hx EFIS
Tags: Avionics Building GRT

One response to “Mounting EIS Outside Temperature Probe”

  1. Document says:

    […] standards, mounted and connected the radios and instruments and ran through the initial EIS and GRT EFIS calibrations, sewed up our winglet weather ‘socks‘, reinstalled all of the hardware on top of the […]

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