I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I was starting my IFR training, slowly, and getting the airplane ready to fly IFR as well. That’s coming along, and I’m pleased to say that I have nearly everything I want/need to fly IFR working.

Today the only tools I haven’t confirmed working are the Marker Beacon receiver (not a big deal, but want to check it) and the Trio Autopilot. I have checked out, and fixed a configuration issue with, the output to the Trio. I have a switch on the panel the transfers control of the GPSS/GPSV from the GRT Hx to the GTN650W. Now that this is working, I just need to flight test this and configure the gains, etc. I have created and updated a couple of pages that might be of interest to folks building their own planes, one about what I consider quirks of the GTN650, and one on what I have hooked to my GRT Hx EFIS system, and how it’s configured. The Hx has a tremendous number of ports, and supported equipment. I’m using 2 ARINC 429 inputs, 1 ARINC output, 2 USB ports, and most of the 8 serial ports on my main (Display Unit, or DU, 1).

Now I just need to test fly and configure the Trio, and learn to fly the airplane precisely in the IFR system.

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Thursday June 4th, 2015 at 6:31 PM

Categories: Blog
Tags: Blog

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