Here you can see the wing damage repair entering it’s final stages. As you can see below, we added some superfill on the rudder-cable-delamination repair, as well as a couple of low spots on the main repair, and on the strobe repair and some miscellaneous dips in the skin finish. It’s funny what you find once you really start trying to make everything really smooth. For instance, I’d never noticed the “swale” at the strake join line where the wing surface starts to rise rather than be flat, kind of Corsair gull-wing style. My buddy Andy says they all do this. Who knew? You can also see the fill work on the bottom of the wing repair.

Delamination filling

Bottom Filling

Top Wing Filling

Top Wing Filling

Strobe Repair Filling

New Hoses Secured in Engine Compartment

New Hoses Supply to Nose

New Hoses Return from Nose

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Saturday February 7th, 2009 at 10:30 AM

Categories: Incident Repairs
Tags: Building Incident Repairs

2 responses to “Incident Repair VI”

  1. Document says:

    […] If you haven’t read the incident report, check that out here. Also check out the repairs here. In this section we’ll talk about the process of painting Victor Fox, as we decided […]

  2. Document says:

    […] As you’ll see, we’re trying some new epoxies and fillers for our repairs. On the wingtip, where the strobe repair is coming along, we’re using Superfill to fair it in, to good effect. On the wing, we’re trying the West system for finishing it out, and will likely use superfil over the top to get a nice smooth finish. Once we get the contour right, we’ll start working off the old primer and try to polish up the factory finish of the wing and then paint it.  Incident Repair VI […]

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