We’ve begun the recovery process. If you haven’t read the incident report, check that out here. Also check out the repairs here. In this section we’ll talk about the process of painting Victor Fox, as we decided we’d put on a “real” coating of paint since we had to do something with the damaged wing anyway. We’ve decided to go with DuPont Nason, a factory recommendation, as it’s supposed to be fairly easy to work with, and less harmful than some. It’s also reasonably affordable, we bought supplies and a full supply of white for about $1,300, though we’ll probably throw some color in later. The base is simply 400-44 “snow white“, the nason base white. We’re using Nason Select 2k primer (421-17 Grey) and 2k Clear Coat (498-00) as well. Check out the Nason line here.
Posted By: Brett FerrellSunday January 11th, 2009 at 10:24 AM