The Warren County Airport and the larger flying community in South Western Ohio lost their patriarch this week with the passing of John Lane. There are a few names that everyone in the area becomes acquainted with as they immerse themselves into the aviation ecosphere in this area, LunkenHogan, and then there was Lane. John created the airport and lived on it for more than 50 years, running an FBO with primary and glider flight training, maintenance, and even more recently LSA aircraft sales. John was a master instructorMaster Pilot award winner, and a FAA designated flight examiner. He brought star power to the airport when he lured astronaut Neil Armstrong to join the airport board. At 87 he was still flying and working on airplanes until his unsuccessful heart surgery, and sets an example for all of us to maintain a sharp mind and willing body, doing what we want to do for as long as we have. John was a kind, quiet, caring man that always had helpful advice and was ever willing to look at a problem for us. As fate would have it, this weekend featured a fly-in at I68 and gave us a chance to gather as a family and revel in what John built for us, and celebrate his life. Being a bit sentimental, I have to admit it left me a bit melancholy as well, as if the soul of the place was missing. The day started out as cloudy and overcast as my mood, but as the hour of the fly-in approached the clouds parted and the sun came out. It was as if John was smiling down on us, proud of family of fliers. Clear skies and tailwinds, John, you will be sorely missed.

Learn more about John Morgan Lane
Lane built airport
Pictures of John Lane

Our tribute to John… Picture Album


Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Sunday March 25th, 2012 at 8:43 PM

Categories: Blog
Tags: Blog

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