Also, we decided to do a couple of optional operations to our stakes at this point. The first was install an extra set of bulkheads inside of the door to give us a pocket for fuel testing, etc. This pocket was also completed with a drain in case rain or dew were to condense in there, an option we saw on someone’s Velocity and really liked. The second was to install acrylic windows in the strake bottoms for the passengers, mainly for landing operations. Note that there is an important layup on the strake to door beam junction, a Uni layup for strengthening.

Strake End Closure

Uni Layup

Strake End Finishing

Strake Pocket Drain

Strake Bottom Window

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Thursday December 26th, 2002 at 9:14 PM

Categories: Strakes
Tags: Building Fuselage Strakes

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