We’ve purchased automotive seat belts in a matching gray color for our interior. We’ve also mounted the hardpoints to mount them to. In the front the shoulder hardpoint is in the rollover beam, and then the lower hardpoints mount to the keel and side of the fuselage, respectively. In the rear, the lower hardpoints are similarly mounted, but the shoulder belt hardpoint mounts to the angled portion of the spar reinforcing box. Each of these is drilled and tapped for a 7/16″ bolt.

Front Inside Belt Mount

Front Outside Belt Mount

Front Shoulder Belt Mount

Rear Outside Belt Mounts

Rear Shoulder Belt Mount

Front Seats and Belts installed!

Rear seat belts installed

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Wednesday June 16th, 2004 at 3:20 PM

Categories: Seat Belts
Tags: Building Fuselage Interior Seats

One response to “Seat Belts”

  1. Document says:

    […] homestretch is here. Installed the rear seat belts, compass installed, data plate installed, parking brake handle completed, cowling center […]

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