The website’s integration is nearing it’s conclusion with the integration of the Reflector mirror into vBulletin. Last night over 30,000 classic reflector posts were imported into the new software, and the email imported has been running for several days reliably. With this integration all Wiki, Reflector, and build information will be available through one center power search feature. Other improvements will follow, as I plan to “sticky” the more common threads from the Reflector so they float to the top, as well as begin to sort the old threads by topic into subforums. Hopefully this will lead folks to the logical conclusion that the forum should host the discussion, and allow those who want to participate by email to do so without limiting the richness of the discussion in a true forum tool. So try the new forum/Reflector page and let me know what you think.
Posted By: Brett FerrellFriday September 3rd, 2010 at 8:54 PM