will be undergoing some major changes over the next several weeks, or at least I hope so. This will be Version 3.0, as we’ve had two major interfaces to the site since we first went on line in July of 2001. Although I like what we’ve done with the custom HTML/CSS/PHP, we’ve forked into three distinctly different subsites that are not integrated, the Wiki, the Reflector mirror, and the main building website. Also, the V2.0 website never properly reflected the chronological nature of the build because it was too much work. My intent in the coming redesign is to collect all of these needs into one commercial database-driven content management system. This now appears feasible in vBulletin 4.x, and so I’m going to pursue this redesign. In the meantime, it’s my intent to maintain the existing website at, while the main address of will undergo the face lift. Clearly this will take a back seat also to getting the airplane flying, so I appreciate your patience.

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Tuesday June 15th, 2010 at 9:55 PM

Categories: Blog
Tags: Blog

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