2012 Velocity Calendar Picture


For formatting only
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Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Tuesday December 4th, 2012 at 9:36 PM

Categories: Calendars Pictures
Tags: 2013 Calendar Picture Album

One response to “[Picture Album] 2013 Velocity Calendar”

  1. Document says:

    […] Well, I’ve been kind of busying trying to get my Private Pilot Certificate, and with work, and just life in general, so I wasn’t pushing the calendar very hard. So, submissions were pretty light. It seems most folks just don’t have many high resolution pictures of their airplanes, especially in flight. That’s a real shame, because our airplanes are just sooo beautiful, they should be admired. But, I did get a few, and there were enough folks that really wanted a calendar that I am going to another one. We’ll see what the response is, if it’s light this year I may not do one next year, but that’s to be seen. Check out the selected images in the album below. I will order a print to check the image quality and registration, and it’s good post it for sale.  Picture Album […]

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