I need to flesh this out a bit, but if you’re going to paint you need more than a booth. You’re going to want a paint shaker and some decent large and small liquid measures, preferably glass and metal so you can clean them well. You’ll need good personal protective gear, at least VOC rated carbon masks, but probably a forced air system like the Hobby Air. You’ll also need a decent compressor, we have a high flow unit, and an air dryer and HVLP gun, some fine mesh screens to filter the paint through, and a bunch on rags and some decent fans.

Air Compressor

Paint Shaker

Hobby Air Breathing System

Hobby Air Mask

Activated Carbon Mask

Paint Mixing cups and measures

Paint Straining Filters

HVLP Gun and stand – Anest Iawta


Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Wednesday April 1st, 2009 at 6:26 PM

Categories: Spraying
Tags: Building Painting

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