Well, the Mayor has done it again, making a major splash with a local TV story, and getting featured in the latest AOPA ePilot…. he’s so good he makes the Pope seem ordinary. Well done, Andy.
In the Spotlight: Man builds airplane in bedroom
Mich. man wins award for airplane built in bedroom
Andy Millin of Plainwell, Mich., was awarded the Bronze Lindbergh Award by the Experimental Aircraft Association for building a Velocity XL airplane. The project was launched 12 years ago with the help of pilot Carlos Fernandez. They needed a workshop, so they built a new room on Millin’s house that was to become the master bedroom after the project was finished. WWMT-TV (Kalamazoo, Mich.) (11/3) :
Aero News Network (ANN) Has now also picked up the story.
Posted By: Brett FerrellMonday November 3rd, 2014 at 9:21 PM