In our continuing saga to get a constant-speed propeller, we’ve finally made our deposit on the MT, and gotten a tentative shipping date of 11/04/11. The prop is the MTV-9 (MTV-9-B/LD178-102a to be exact) with a Aero Technologies PCU5000X governor and P-622 spinner, with our custom paint. We going with American Propeller again since they were very good to work with through the ACI drama.

It’ll be nice to have the addtitional acceleration and climb utility, especially when heavily loaded or out west, but it will also help tremendously when landing to keep from floating quit so much. Finally, the extra weight out back will reduce our nose weight quite a bit and put us very near the neutral point.

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Thursday September 1st, 2011 at 7:21 PM

Categories: Blog
Tags: Blog

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