The MidWest Canard Fly-in was pretty much a rain-out this year, with 600-800′ ceilings and off of on showers, though Drew Chaplin (Cozy builder from Fort Wayne, In) and his crew did manage to fly in, but we had several local Velocity folks join us for breakfast.
Of interest, though, you can see Hugh Dunn – a local Velocity builder who’d flown his N5965U to Osh Kosh after completing it in the late 90’s and new owner Jerry Brainard (who bought it to fly while he finishes his XL/RG) together here which was fun. Hopefully the weather will be better next year and we’ll have a big turnout
Hugh Dunn and Jerry Brainard with N5165U |
Drew Chaplin’s “Canard” Cessna |
Local Canards in attendance |
Posted By: Brett FerrellSaturday May 17th, 2014 at 10:29 PM
Categories: Blog Tags: 2014 Blog Fly-In I68 Velocity Midwest