Interesting article in this month’s Kitplane’s Magazine (local) about using short-wave HAM radio to track your aircraft online. SWEET! Where do I sign up? Seriously, this sort of thing is right in my wheelhouse. Here’s a good website (local) describing how it works, but I’ve ordered the hardware and will be setting this up as soon as I can pass the Ham operator test. Here are a couple of pictures of the possibilities. The first is the tracker module, hooked to a GPS antenna, it broadcasts your position to HAM iGate repeaters, where (as in the second and third pictures) anyone can see your current position, or total trip, speed, etc. on Google maps. AWESOME! Click for large versions of the pictures.

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Wednesday July 23rd, 2008 at 11:24 PM

Categories: Blog
Tags: APRS Blog Kitplanes

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