It’s about time for an update. My new job is causing me to work more than I would like, and spend somewhat less time working on the plane than is typical, but we have been working away the whole time. We’ve just finished up the fill-and-finish work on the damaged copilot wing area, and are cleaning up the aileron pocket and bolt hole recess. We should be spraying primer on it soon, and, as it’s been warm this weekend, we’re doing work at the hangar as well. Today we put in the new oil hoses to replace the kit tubing which failed. I’m really happy with how this turned out. We’re looking forward to priming the wing and swapping it out with the pilot side and getting it fixed up (and hopefully the canard too) before spring hits. Then we can focus on some finishing work on the fuselage and prime it, then paint everything. I bought the factory-recommended Nason grey primer and snow white top coat, so she should be looking sweet when we next take to the skies. Check out the progress here.
Posted By: Brett FerrellSaturday February 7th, 2009 at 9:08 PM