We’ve purchased a nice chrome heated pitot tube from Spruce. We’ve elected to go this route as we hope to fly the plane in instrument conditions, which might include brief periods in icing conditions. While the plane is not equipped with deicing equipment, we need to maintain the flight instruments if we encounter ice and while diverting to ice-free conditions. Also, if we carry rain in the tube to altitude, it could freeze in the tube, which would be quite unpleasant.

Per the manual, our port is lined up with the zero incidence line of the canard, 6″ below the canard and 18″ forward of the door line. It is then set between parallel with the fuselage and parallel with the relative wind (or dead ahead, as the plane flies forward). The pitot tube comes with an adapter that is roughed up and embedded into the fuselage with FLOX and a fiberglass radius on the inside. After cure the pitot tube in attached to the adapter with 4 screws.

Setting Up the Cutout

Glassed in the Pitot Tube Adapter Plate

Pitot Tube Installed

Heated Pitot

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Wednesday November 12th, 2003 at 10:59 PM

Categories: Avionics Pitot/Static
Tags: Avionics Building Pitot/Static

One response to “Heated Pitot Tube”

  1. Document says:

    […] Pitot Tube and Static Ports Installed, Canard Cover attached and faired (including the novella “what I did with my Thanksgiving Holiday), Engine installation kit ordered, in finally engine negotiations, and fuel gauge legends ordered, Instrument Panel fitted, speed brake limit switch installed and Seat Belt Hard Points installed. […]

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