A few weeks back we got some bids for a mahogany model of our airplane. These are available pretty afford-ably with a generic white paint scheme (via eBay), but we wanted our paint on it. There are a couple of places that do this, I think all in the Phillipines, and it takes awhile, but we’re pretty pleased how ours looks in these pictures. I’ll come back and update you when it has come across the ocean, but in the meantime, check out the pictures!
UPDATE: Okay, the model is in and here are some new pictures. Overall I’m very pleased. The top is slightly flatter than real life, and the NACA ducts are in slightly off locations, but overall she looks good.
UPDATE 2: [08/02/2014] These guys are advertising replicas of our airplane. I can’t blame them, I suppose, but I am a little surprised… and we’re not the only ones, there are a few here… MyMahoganyModel.com Note that they call it a 173FG, which isn’t accurate, but whatever… Check out the Picture Album.
Posted By: Brett FerrellWednesday September 14th, 2011 at 7:29 PM