Today we went back out in the new Cherokee 180 and just got good an comfortable with her. The last flight we pretty much just went to Bolton and came back. Today we did slow flight, power on and off stalls, emergency procedures, steep turns, and short and soft field take-offs and landings. It was just an hour, but I was pretty sharp, and I find the Cherokee even a little easier to fly than the Warrior, I think. While we’re waiting on my medical we’ll do some hood and night work, as well as keep my skills sharp, and do our dual cross countries. I’d be soloed by now if I had the medical, but OH well. I’ve got some vacation coming up, and I’ll use that to polish off my written test preparation and try to take the test right after the Labor Day break. Maybe I’ll have my medical by then.
Posted By: Brett FerrellTuesday August 14th, 2012 at 8:51 PM