I’m finally finished with my electrical upgrade, at least finished in the sense that the wiring is done. I’m still checking some of the features and things, but it feels good to putting things back together. Once I finish my checks I’ll get the instrument shop on the field calibrate my GTX330 and pitot/static systems. I like the VP-X system quite a bit, though I still need to fire up my GRT and look at the interface between the two systems. I also still want to move my pitch trim towards the copilot side a couple of inches to give me a little extra room between the radios and the trim system before I mount the canard and taxi test all of the changes. We still hope to get all of that done in time to get some flying on her before Oshkosh so we can fly up in comfort.

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Tuesday June 14th, 2011 at 11:07 PM

Categories: Blog
Tags: Blog

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