There is a template for cutting your cowling wing openings. I elected (foolishly) not to use this, since I knew from previous fittings that I wanted to move the cowling prop opening slightly to get a more even spacing around my spinner. DO NOT DO THIS, it is much harder this way, and caused me some rework (stick with me here). The mold makes the two pieces separated in the middle, this will be reconnected, and the cut line will be moved to below the wing for ease of maintenance.

Making the upper cowling cut for the wings

Trimming upper cowling to get an even spacing around the prop flowguide

Fitting cowling after cutting wing relief openings

Cowling wing openings cut, old cut line will be glassed back together

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Saturday July 1st, 2006 at 8:49 PM

Categories: Fairings
Tags: Building Cowling Fairings Fuselage

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