Time for our Annual. Ray, our tech counselor, came over with this compression checker and we checked each cylinder. Next, we cleaned each plug and pulled the fuel injectors and filter screens and put them in the ultrasonic cleaner with some Hoppe’s gun cleaner (recommended by our engine shop). Next we checked all of the hose connections and bolts for proper torque.

IO-540 Compression Check 2010
#1 76 psi #2 78 psi
#3 77 psi #4 79 psi
#5 76 psi #6 74 psi



Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Friday May 7th, 2010 at 10:22 PM

Categories: Maintenance
Tags: Condition Inspection Maintenance

One response to “Condition Inspection 2010”

  1. Document says:

    […] and Andy and Theresa Millin both this week. And as if that weren’t enough, we finished our condition inspection, got the transponder recertified, the pitot/static system checked and calibrated, mounted our N […]

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