PTS Rained out

I’d mentioned that today was the day for practical exam (the checkride), but rain and low ceilings scrubbed the flight. I’m rescheduled for next Sunday. Wish me luck.

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Flight Training Lesson 42

My check ride has been scheduled for next weekend, so I decided to go out and make sure I wasn’t getting rusty with Pete. It was really cold and we had to use a gas heater to get wings defrosted, but otherwise it was a gorgeous day to fly. We flew down to Lunken to […]

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Flight Training Lesson 41

Well, my luck with weather had to run out eventually, and it has in a big way. The weather here has been just terrible for the last few weeks. It’s been cold, rainy, and windy pretty much every weekend. I’ve been “ready” for my checkride for nearly 3 weeks, and haven’t been in the plane […]

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Flight Training Lesson 40

Finally, we’re closing in on the finishing line. Today Pete and I went out and did a mock checkride. The plan was to fly this one, then with the school’s chief pilot, and then the FAA examiner. As it turns out, it went well, but I’m getting ahead of myself. Pete basically flew the same […]

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Flight Training Lesson 39

Nothing special, just more practice for the flight review. My soft and short field work was much better today, as was my slow flight, and my steep turns were acceptable. Next weekend we’ll probably do a mock check ride in preparation for Pete’s sign-off.

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Flight Training Lesson 38

Now that I have my requirements knocked out, I’m going to do a couple of dual flights and work through everything that I can expect on the flight review to make sure I can meet the test standards. Today we did 1.3 hours, and I was OK on most stuff, but my steep turns were […]

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