Priming the Pilot Wing

Priming the Pilot Wing

So, you get the idea at this point. This wing was in pretty good shape, but there were several “dimples” that needed filling (most of which actually got filled), and a couple of spots on the outboard end that needed some real (not a ton, but a fair amount of) fill. We filled it, and […]

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Painting the Canard

Painting the Canard

So, we sanded, filled, and re-primed the canard. That took a couple of days, but tonight we sprayed color finally. We’ll see when it cures out, but it seems we’re starting to get the hang of this. We hit it with a light tack coat, and then 1 full color coat, 1 final heavy coat, […]

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Priming the Canard

Priming the Canard

Today primed the canard. We spent most of last weekend getting the EIS wiring up to snuff, but it’s not very photogenic. This week was sand and fill (and grinding off some canard-tip layups I did a *long* time ago before I knew better-they were as thick as battleship armor). So, today was the day, […]

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Paint and Buff CoPilot Wing

Paint and Buff CoPilot Wing

Today we built a “tilting frame” for the wing so we can paint basically on 45 degree inclines instead of directly up and down. It’s basically an A frame with a tie-off point so we can stop the rotation. We also put a 1″x3″ in the aileron well and rested it on a sawhorse. We […]

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First Coat of White

First Coat of White

Our top coat is Nason 2k Ful-thane, the factory recommended paint, in “snow white”. Here are a couple of shots of the copilot aileron curing. Jerry is starting to get a feel for it now. By the time we get to paining his plane it should be old hat. Painted Aileron (copilot) note the reflections, […]

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Painting Tools and Equipment

Painting Tools and Equipment

I need to flesh this out a bit, but if you’re going to paint you need more than a booth. You’re going to want a paint shaker and some decent large and small liquid measures, preferably glass and metal so you can clean them well. You’ll need good personal protective gear, at least VOC rated […]

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