BMA Magnotometer Relocation

BMA Magnotometer Relocation

Yet another change. The magnetometer is moving again, it started on top of the landing light, but the light had a steel back-shell. Then it went onto the top of the canard, but the offset torque tube and the EFIS display case are steel, so it had to move. I decided to put it in […]

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Backup Battery

Backup Battery

We’ve also been installing a backup battery for the EFIS to keep it up and running while the starting is drawing the primary battery down. This would also supply the EFIS for some time should the dual alternators and primary battery fail. The battery had to have a tray fitted to restrain it, and then […]

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Backup Battery

Backup Battery

We’ve also been installing a backup battery for the EFIS to keep it up and running while the starting is drawing the primary battery down. This would also supply the EFIS for some time should the dual alternators and primary battery fail. The battery had to have a tray fitted to restrain it, and then […]

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BMA Installation Update

BMA Installation Update

Yet another change. After mounting the EFIS screen on the copilot side, it became obvious that the radios were going to interfere with the screen. We’ve decided to change the layout yet again, swapping the EFIS/Lite for the larger and more capable EFIS/Sport from Blue Mountain, and placing this on the copilot side of the […]

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Compass Installed

Compass Installed

We started out by mounting a wet (“whiskey” style) compass on the glareshield. We found out, however, that it was getting interference from somewhere and moved it to the overhead switch panel. Compass installed   For formatting only Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisci elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna […]

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Blue Mountain EFIS Installation

Blue Mountain EFIS Installation

The EFIS/One is Delivered! This is the first bench test of the EFIS/One, since we don’t have the screens yet (backordered) I’m using a flat panel LCD monitor that I have to test with. Here you can clearly see our “Canard” airplane icon on the moving map, and I68, our home airport just off to […]

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