Today we sanded the filler from the long weekend and began a series of layups on the wheelpants. First up was the 3 BID 1″x1″ pads where the axle bolt comes through. Then we cut a vent above the brake caliper, as well as the cooling inlet NACA (inside, ahead of the brake), then 2 (extra fine) BID the sides of it. Next we’ll afix the leg cuff to the pant with a vertical split line just like the pant halves. This differs from the factory instructions, but I’ve always thought it must be awkward to mount the pants under the cuffs, and they always seem to rub the paint off of the pants. I plan to wrap my gearleg with rubber so it doesn’t get scratched, and let the cuff mount with the pant. Wheel Pants.
Posted By: Brett FerrellMonday July 6th, 2009 at 10:09 PM