Midnight of the last day. I feel hung-over and beat up, but we had a great week. We spent all day driving, after getting a late start, and I’m just now heading to bed. Wake-up call was at 6 am so I could get over to the awards breakfast and receive my Chapter Web Editor Award (4th place for EAA974).

We had the usual great Velocity BBQ hosted by Theresa and Andy Millin, but even better, they and Kathy and Dave Spano (along with Liz and Tim Popp) threw us an awesome “wedding reception”. I guess some folks just can’t take no for an answer, so when we eloped an evil scheme was hatched. They went all out with wedding cake and party favors, and a gratuitous golf cart and scooter, honk-filled, joy-ride around the campsite so they could embarrass us in front of everyone! Then they decorated our car, which caused quite the stir at the campsite all week (they came *here* on their honeymoon?!). Nice work, guys, you’re the BEST!

It’s amazing, really, every year we spend more time at Oshkosh, and do less and less “show” stuff. We’ve met so many wonderful, amazing, and entertaining folks that we simply must visit this one week every year that the demands quickly outstrip the time available. Old friends we visited included those mentioned above, Carlos (Thunder Chicken, 2 time World Champ, ask him what happened in 2002), the Cozy Girrrls, Terry Schubert (CSA lead-man), Rich and Ricardo Guerra (Race 24!), The Tvedte Clan, Burrell Sanders (FreeFlight Composite), and many, many more, and new friends galore – Mark and Nancy Riley (we’re GOING to the Bahamas!), Sue and Ed Richards (Cozy N826ER folks), Joe Ramsey (down the shore), among a lot of others.

Check out our Oshkosh 2008 picture gallery!

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Saturday August 2nd, 2008 at 12:09 AM

Categories: Blog
Tags: Airventure Blog Oshkosh

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