Apparently Alec’s airplane lost power. I think I saw them looking for a new canard on the Reflector as well.

On February 28, 2012, about 2140 universal coordinated time, a Ragonese Velocity, United States registration N27TR, was substantially damaged during a forced landing following a loss of engine power near Villa Canas, Argentina. The foreign certificated pilots were not injured. The flight departed Venado Tuerto Airfield (VNO), Providence de Santa Fe, Argentina; destined for Junin Airfield (NIN), Providence de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

| FAA Preliminary | FAA Full |

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Tuesday February 28th, 2012 at 6:28 PM

Categories: Accidents
Tags: 2012 Accident Argentina N27TR Non-Fatal RG Rhodius SE Velocity Villa Canas

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