BOB1” – Courtesy of Fred Kerfoot, via Andy Millin. Factory crash at Sebastian of a builder’s aircraft, from the head-start program. This was the first flight of the so-called “Brazilian” wings, which where built hollow (no foam cores) with ribs by some firm in Brazil (obviously). The wings were not properly built, as it turns out. Either the winglets had no spar, or they were not properly bonded to the wing, I don’t recall which and the NTSB report is somewhat vague. On downwind the winglets began to flutter, so Brendan put it down, but had difficulty controlling the aircraft at and it rolled.  This airplane would have this accident a couple of years later.

Additional pictures Courtesy of Uli Christen

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Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Saturday August 25th, 2001 at 5:12 PM

Categories: Accidents
Tags: 2001 Accident Bob1 FG FL N658SE Non-Fatal Sebastian Velocity Wood XL

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