We learned this evening that we have lost a dear friend. Joel and Marlene Finkelstein pretty much adopted us, on one of the worst days I expect to ever have, and showed a grace and kindness that is hard to describe. Our hearts break for Joel and his family, with this sudden and unexpected loss of Marlene. I wish we’d offered her a ride in the airplane. I doubt she would’ve taken it, but she would’ve liked the attention. The airplane has brought us so many new friends. It’s inevitable that we will lose them too, and we’re the richer for it, but the loss is still real. Thank you for everything Marlene.
For those not up on our history, we pretty much crashed our Velocity in the Finkelstein’s front yard, and they treated us like we’d done them a favor. You can read the particulars here, but suffice it to say it’s the only reason I know where Otisco is. I used to kind of think the quote “it was the best of times it was the worst of times” was silly, but that day was a bit of both.
Posted By: Brett FerrellWednesday August 12th, 2015 at 7:41 PM