My nephew and my brother have been staying with me this week for football camp in Columbus (FBU Top Gun Middleschool Showcase). Columbus is about an hour and a half drive typically, and given all of the folks going to this event, it was taking about 2 hours to get there. The first night went till almost 7, so if they were going to get some sleep (and dinner with Beth and I), they would need pickup. I love this.

So, my first actual “solo” time was launching after work to Bolton field in Columbus to pick them up. I cruised at an easy 160 kias (we still need to get the new nose pant finished and nose gear leg fairing), picked them up, and had them at Lebanon by 8. Very nice. We got dinner and got Jake into the sack for some earned rest. This is why it’s nice to have an airplane in the family… I’m looking forward to flying to Houston, picking the boys up, and running us all down to Galveston or South Padre for some fun in the sun.



Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Monday July 21st, 2014 at 6:09 PM

Categories: Blog Travel Log
Tags: Blog Travel

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