We’re getting a bit back in to the swing now that we’re more-or-less settled into the new house, and it looks like we have the old house sold finally as well. So this morning went went to breakfast at Urbana Grimes Field (which will be hosting MERFI shortly) with our local Chris and Penny in their Decathlon and Al and Ken and Sue in their 172. We gave them a bit of a head-start, but caught up with them fairly quickly. It was the first time we use the on-board ADS-B traffic to find our ‘flight’ while in-flight. That was pretty cool. We were cruising at 165 kias/175ktas, and there was a layer of ground fog in places, so we ended up too close to the airport and too fast for the straight-in approach, and were consequently the last of our party to land! Oh well. It was a good time. Next Beth needs to get her BFR, and we’re going to try and take the airplane to Myrtle Beach for Labor Day, weather permitting. Need those instrument ratings!
Posted By: Brett FerrellSunday August 11th, 2013 at 10:02 PM