Flight Training Lesson 12

It was supposed to storm today, and it did sprinkle a bit on us, but we went nearly an hour without issue. It was kind of nice, the overcast and building clouds off to the west were holding the temperature down. Since we expected weather we just stayed in the pattern, and with the weather […]

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Flight Training Lesson 11

More of the same today, except it was quite a bit cooler today, and not quite so bumpy and breezy, and I actually did pretty well. I even hit my own wing tip vortices doing left and right steep turns. Not shabby.

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Flight Training Lesson 10

Wow, was it hot and bumpy today, with a good enough crosswind to keep me working hard. I was all over the place today, and the bumps wore me out mentally pretty fast. I wasn’t terrible, but I wasn’t good, and I was whipped pretty early. It was a busy weekend and I have to […]

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Flight Training Lesson 9

It’s the long Memorial Day weekend, and I’m going to try and get a couple of flights in as well as visit the Air Force Museum with some friends of ours. Today we stayed in the pattern for the first time, doing 12 landings. I did OK, but I need to get better about pulling […]

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Flight Training Lesson 8

So my instructor was reading my blog this week, and decided to make me do more steep turns to the left. Therefore I decided to just lay down the law and crush them! Actually today was a pretty good day, and I actually performed some of the maneuvers to test standards, and showed some real […]

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Flight Training Lesson 7

So I was starting to kind of get the hang of it today, so Pete decided to crush me with steep turns. Wow, do I suck. Well, I actually sort of got the hang of them to the right, but for some reason doing them to the left was like trying to solve the Rubik’s cube. One […]

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