Moving Engine Intake and Rear Oil Cooler Air Duct Connections

Moving Engine Intake and Rear Oil Cooler Air Duct Connections

We’ve moved both the engine air intake and the rear oil cooler intakes from the bottom to the sides, and have made slanted pick-ups that should improve the airflow. Since the premolded engine cooling NACA ducts don’t seem to be covered elsewhere in the manual, I’ll include them here. Much of the cutting was completed […]

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Moving Runner Bottom Ducts

Moving Runner Bottom Ducts

We decided to move our combustion air and firewall oil cooler runner ducts from flat bottom-facing duct connections to side exiting ducts. We’re also making the ends permanently attached to the firewall so they are very rigid, as we’d had issues with them pulling the cowl screw out and collapsing. We’re also added a little […]

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Cooling Plenum Chamber

Cooling Plenum Chamber

The engine plenum that we showed you above was a little too big, it was for the 300HP IO-540-K “angle-valve” motor. We have the IO-540-D, which is normally a 260HP motor, although ours is pumped up with high compression pistons and electronic ignition to above 300HP. Here are pictures of us glassing the fore and […]

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Fitting Engine Cooling Plenum

Fitting Engine Cooling Plenum

Fitting the cooling plenum to the engine. Note that the rear-most set of two ignition coils from the previous pictures had to be moved forward to clear the plenum and cowling. Note that once the plenum was fitted, and the runners where sanded slightly to allow them to slide into place, we started to fit […]

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Overhead Fresh Air Duct & NACAs

Overhead Fresh Air Duct & NACAs

Since the premolded engine cooling NACA ducts don’t seem to be covered elsewhere in the manual, I’ll include them here. Much of the cutting was completed during Head Start, though I did cut the overheard fresh air duct at home. Then they’re all fitted up and held in place. The engine naca’s had been set […]

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Connecting Engine Oil Cabin Heating

Connecting Engine Oil Cabin Heating

Two runs of 1/2″ 3003 Aluminum tubing are run from the firewall up to the nose of the aircraft, and then covered in heat shrink tubing to add some insulation value to the line. At the aft end, the lines are installed with nuts and unions to a pre-made (by the factory) plate, and safety-wired. […]

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