Getting a Mascot

Getting a Mascot

It doesn’t take long after you start calling your airplane 44-Victor-Foxtrot to become 4-Victor-Fox. If you say Victor Fox a few times, it starts to really sound like someone’s name. If you think about it too long, it starts to sound like a Fox’s name who’s just won something. Thus, the idea for our mascot […]

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Choosing a Paint and Paint Scheme

Choosing a Paint and Paint Scheme

We’ve picked our blue, at least for this coat (we may go a different direction with the pro paint job later). I’ll be picking up some Nason Blue Metallic (400-44) tonight for the belly of our fuselage, and maybe some winglet highlights (the rest is “snow white 471-44″). Our paint scheme features this sort of blue long term, and having […]

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