This is a odds-and-ends kind of deal, and since I was going to be doing some glasswork, I pulled it out. There’s nothing complicated here, just cut these two templates alike (stack them on top of each other so they’re identical), and micro them to the miniature wing. Then glass a couple of tabs to mount it to, so the mini-wing is upside down, and then RTV this to the co-pilot side elevator after final painting. What this does is apply a loading to the elevator that keeps the nose from bobbing so much when disturbed at cruise speed. It’s like the cylinder in your shock absorber system on your car, in that it dampens the response by providing some resistance. Since it’s a aerodynamic feature, it is proportional to speed. Pretty clever, that, even if it looks silly and has a funnier name.

Once we’ve primed the strainer, it’s attached inboard on the co-pilot side with silicone caulk.

Microing the airfoil together

Foam is used to hold the unit square

Sparrow Strainer

Sparrow Strainer Installed

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Sunday April 16th, 2006 at 8:31 PM

Categories: Controls
Tags: Building Controls Fuselage Trim

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