ObsoleteWe are currently running without an air filter as it restricted engine RPM.

Bob and Jerry are pretty much responsible for this, so I won’t take credit. Bob made the mold for the glass and Jerry found a way to mount it to the engine mount with adel clamps. The duct run ends up pretty nice actually. We still need to prove that it can pass enough air to keep the bypass door from opening up at full power, but it looks marvelous

Sealing glass to filter clamp

Air filter base installed

Installed air filter

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Saturday May 8th, 2010 at 5:19 PM

Categories: Combustion Air
Tags: Building Combustion Engine Fuselage

One response to “Rectangular Air Filter”

  1. Document says:

    […] update. We finished up our hoses today and put the fuel system back together. Also I got a new air filter in that I think we can make work. Finally Linda made a pattern for out winglet covers, so when […]

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