First flight on the MT Prop picture Album


For formatting only
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Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Saturday March 10th, 2012 at 3:41 PM

Categories: Pictures
Tags: MT Picture Album

One response to “[Picture Album] First flight on the MT Prop”

  1. Document says:

    […] But, what did we learn? The airplane is a rocket with this prop. Jerry was kind enough to do the video for us, though he’s a rookie and we didn’t get a lot of great footage, but you can see how quick she was off of the ground. In our debrief she told she was holding her on the ground till 75 kias, because the nose was light immediately she wanted to make sure she had flying speed. Second, note how far down the runway she touches down. She was a little sloppy on final due to some birds, and from being nervous about the about the engine instrumentation, but she easily makes the mid-field turnoff. She did this without really working the brakes. Also note how easily she bleeds off the altitude on final. She was quite high and close (we’d planned to fly a tight pattern to make sure she could make the field in the event she had to problem), and the Fox came down an elevator. The prop really slows her down when you want to. Very nice. All and all the MT is doing exactly what we wanted her to… Video in the media section (and on YouTube).  Check out the Picture Album. […]

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