2015 MERFI – Mid East Regional Fly-In Picture Album


For formatting only
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Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Sunday August 23rd, 2015 at 7:52 PM

Categories: Pictures
Tags: 2015 MERFI Picture Album Urbana

One response to “[Picture Album] 2015 MERFI – Mid East Regional Fly-In”

  1. Document says:

    […] We’re lucky enough to have one of the larger regional flyin’s pretty close to us. I hadn’t thought much about how close until one of my EAA chapter friends mentioned that from the chapter’s airport (KHAO) it took him about 40 minutes to get to MERFI (atĀ Urbana Grimes Field). KHAO is about 7 minutes by air from us, and we were at MERFI in about 18 minutes. That’s nice. Elizabeth got the flying duties this trip, she hadn’t flown much lately, and I’m better with the on-board systems than she is, so from a ‘crew resource management’ standpoint, it’s easier in a stressful flight environment if I’m there to help her. It was a beautiful day for flying too, check out the video below or the full Picture Album. […]

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