2014 Rough River CSA Canard Fly-In Picture Album

Crossing the river

Abandoned airfield

Jimmie Dallas N38VL

Dave Nelson N22DN

Randy Thompson/Wharton N62BZ

Ron Needham N34CV

Tim Walsh N129VA

CSA “Business Meeting” with Terry Schubert

Rene Dugas N129RD (right)

Rene Dugas

Our “Fox” Ferrell N44VF

Elizabeth and Wolfgang

Dave Nelson relaxs

Jerry and Terry

Linda Braianard and Mario Ponton

Chad Wilhelm and Kim

Chad Wilhelm and Kim

Flying home

Over KHAO on the way home (our EAA Chapter is based here)

Here Debra has just picked us up at our cabin

Debra dropped us off at the airport with our bags, she works for the park



For formatting only
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Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Saturday September 27th, 2014 at 8:32 PM

Categories: Pictures Rough River
Tags: 2014 CSA Fly-In Picture Album Rough River

One response to “[Picture Album] 2014 Rough River CSA Canard Fly-In”

  1. Document says:

    […] I’ll post more video later from the ground, but here’s a quick clip Elizabeth took on the way home. She was bored because she didn’t get to fly.  😛   Check out the Picture Album […]

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