I’m mostly posting this to show the new approach plates and charts options, but folks always want to see a combined set of final panel pictures.

Low Altitude Approach chart left, sectional right, Geo-Referenced!

I68 GPS Runway 1 Approach Plate

CO Guardian and Pulse Oximeter reads out on our HX screens

This is the screen before GPS lock, where the synthetic vision terrain kicks in

VP-X electronic Circuit Breaker system on GRT screen

Vanity N number panel lights up

Vanity N number panel lights up

Radenna SkyRadard ADS-B receiver works with our GTX330ES Transponder for Traffic and Weather

Lighted Overhead panel

Lighted Overhead panel

Panel Overview

Panel Overview

Terrain view with good speed, this is the map view

Lighted fuel sight gauge

Panel in-flight, with Traffic Warning

Misc shots of the new panel

WxWorx Weather, we’ve since deactivated that to go with ABS-B Weather

Panel markings

Engraved and painted labels on flight stick

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Friday April 25th, 2014 at 4:08 PM

Categories: Avionics GRT Hx EFIS Instrument Panel
Tags: Avionics Building GRT Horizon HX Instrument Panel Vertical Power

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