We’re working on the small bits, finishing the pants and wing bits (vortilons, bolt covers, elevator ice covers, and the cowl covers). We’re also getting the insides of the doors ready. We put the hardware back in, and we’re getting ready to spray primer on the door beams. We may cover them in leather later, depending on how we can work that around the seal, but right now we’ll make it primer gray to match the interior and cover it in clear coat. We’re also talking to Velocity about flying the plane down there in the spring to get an interior installed, so keep an eye out for that! Things are really starting to come together. We should finish up the small bits this week, and then I’m off for two weeks and hope to get the wings done during the holidays so we can put it back together and do a condition inspection early in January. I’d love to get Dave back to do the “second” first flight and get Beth back up to speed, do our 5 hour of “major modification” testing, and get to Kalamazoo to see Andy and beg Carlos to check out our new GRT (and give everybody rides!). Then we could fly it to Florida for the interior (in February?). Also, I picked up an alternate air box for the engine, and will be installing a K&N air filter as well. Oh, and we’re finishing the door covers, in preparation for the interior (and I need to get the window covers soon, too). Check out theĀ