The shop is one of the best aspects of this (rather time-consuming) hangar move. The office is a full 1/2 of a standard T hangar, pre insulated and air conditioned, with a exterior door as well as one to the hangar side. As I mentioned in the electric section, it was pre-wired with a bunch of circuits from when the jump club used it as a small diner. We’ve installed a glass-cutting table and epoxy hot box, heating, our drill press and band saw, grinder, and some heavy-duty shelving so we can get everything organized. We’re in the process of adding additional bolt small parts boxes to make everything easy to get to.

We add lots of homey touches, too, like a microwave and refriderator, a latex glove holder, hot box with epoxy pump, rolling parts and tool carts, and an easy clean-up alcohol pump.

Storage and bolt bins


Storage and cutting table

Work table

Fridge and Mic

Parts Storage

Bolt Storage

Rolling Cart

Glove Holder

Hot Box

Alcohol Pump

Posted By: Brett Ferrell
Wednesday January 20th, 2010 at 11:22 PM

Categories: Hangar Shop/Storage
Tags: Building Hangar heating Shop

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