Oshkosh 2009 is now over for us, and the inevitable sadness of leaving is all that remains. But we had an awesome time, and quite possibly the best Oshkosh ever. The weather was gorgeous with high seventies most of the week, and crisp sleeping temperatures in the upper 50’s and lower sixties. Between the weather and the new Kohler air-conditioned toilets, I didn’t use a single 90 degree steaming port-a-potty! We hosted the Cozy Girrrls “Canard san gria and pasta dinner”, and helped Andy and Theresa Millin with the Velocity BBQ. We spent quality time with our best Velocity buddies (the Millins, the Brainards, Brooke Wolf and his son Noah, the Spanos, Dave Nelson, Dave Bertram, Bob Buls and family, the Kulfalks, John Tvedte, Mark Riley, etc.) and with most of the big names in the Canard world (Klaus Savier, Terry Schubert, Gary Hertzler, Mark Beduhn, Marc Zeitlin, Carlos Fernandez, and the Cozy Girrrls). We bought hardware (Trio Pro autopilot, Reiff engine preheater system, aircraft door seals) and shared our story. We became almost famous when the HamTestOnline guys asked us to share our off-field landing story (and APRS and getting my HAM license through them) in their booth. And we enjoyed late nights of hangar flying by the fire pit with our EAA Chapter 974. We planned for a Velocity mass-arrival at CSA Rough River Fly-in in September. In short, a great time was had by all. See you all next year! Pictures of Velocity BBQ and planes.
Posted By: Brett FerrellSaturday August 1st, 2009 at 10:20 PM